
All the information contained herein has been offered to you in good faith.

All potential purchasers and vendors must satisfy themselves by taking advice from their advisors or bankers or any other third party, as to all the statements mentioned and we strongly recommend that you carry out due diligence in respect of all the matters stated.

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling the information we give due notice to you and your advisors that we cannot and do not accept any responsibility and/or liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature that may occur by reliance on it and howsoever arising.

All the information provided by any clients who use our services, is solely used for the purpose of business transfer agency.

We do not provide the information to any third party companies nor have any other internal companies to transfer the confidentiality information you provide us with.

Addisons is a Trading name of Whataday Limited, Reg No: 3834068. Reg Office 96 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 1JJ